Beat the Street Southall The challenge is funded by Ealing Council.
STORY Beat the Street is a real life walking, cycling and running game for a whole community.
The competition runs in Southall from 21 September - 2 November 2016.
People score points and win prizes by walking, cycling or running from point to point and tapping a registered and activated Beat the Street RFID (Radio Frequency ID) card on sensors (Beat Boxes) which are placed on lamp posts across the dedicated routes where the game is being played. Beat the Street cards are similar to an Oyster card.
A player taps their Beat the Street card at various points on their way to and from work, school and to the shops.
Registered players can win regular spot prizes for a ‘lucky tap’ on a Beat Box.
The more Beat Boxes you tap, the further you travel and the greater your chance of winning a prize.
Mission See how far you can travel & how many points you can score over the period of the challenge by walking, cycling or running between Beat Boxes along the dedicated routes where the game is being played.
About A fun, free game for the communities of Southall to see how far you can walk, cycle and run around your areas!
Impressum This initiative is run by Intelligent Health on behalf of Ealing Council. Leaderboards
There are 2 leaderboards - Highest Total Points and Highest Average Points. For each of these leaderboards there will be 3 cascading prizes as follows:
• 1st place £500 Sports and Leisure Prizes • 2nd place £250 Sports and Leisure Prizes • 3rd place £100 Sports and Leisure Prizes
See Beat Box Maps for Southall